
Why volunteer?

  • Make a positive impact
  • Have fun
  • Take on a challenge
  • Be part of a team
  • Learn new skills, or teach someone your skills

Volunteer with GreenFedi and make a positive impact. You can help build a tree-planting community on the Fediverse. That’s three good impacts in one go: Fediverse + Community + Trees.

It’s fun to volunteer. You can choose to do something easy or challenge yourself by doing something hard. You can try something new, or do something you’re really good at. You can learn a new skill, or teach your skills to someone else in the team.

How it works

We’re creating three teams:

  1. Community
  2. Sysadmin
  3. Moderation

Everyone meet in our general purpose volunteering chat room, greenfedi-volunteering:matrix.green. It’s invite only. When we have gathered a couple of people for each team we then create rooms for each team to discuss their activities.

Here are some ideas what the teams could do. If you have your own ideas, you’re welcome to speak with us about it.

The community team:

  • Create a good feeling in the community
  • Improve the look and feel of website and servers
  • Write, edit or translate the text we need on the community website.
  • Attract volunteers and organize activities or projects.

The sysadmin team:

  • Build infrastructure.
  • Help set up a system that run smoothly and scales up and down as needed.
  • Help ensure that the infrastructure is secure and disaster resistant.
  • Install and configure pgBackRest.

The moderation team:

  • moderate one of our servers
  • discuss and edit the community standards

Wish list

Can you help with any of this:

We’re currently looking for volunteers interested in doing any of these activities:

  • Community: Make the GreenFedi.org website look good by selecting fonts, images, etc.
  • Sysadmin: Installing and keeping a Pixelfed instance up and running on Pixelfed.green
  • Moderation: For the Pixelfed server or the GreenFedi public room
  • Community: Help find volunteers or write something for our Help centre on the website
  • Community: The Matrix.green webpage is a single index.html file with css. It would be nice if someone could make it look similar to this website.
  • Your suggestion?

Get in touch

We’re keeping in touch via Matrix chat. If you’re interested in joining one of the teams go to the public GreenFedi room (#greenfedi:matrix.green) and ask JohanEmpa (@johanempa:matrix.green) for an invite to the volunteering room.