Our first Tree Report

This is an exiting time, we’re going to plant some trees! It’s going to be 2.105 trees in total, thanks to all Mastodon.green members! 🌳😃

We’ve created an account on Plant-for-the-Planet, under the name of Albin Social, which is the company that hosts Mastodon.green (for more information on that, see our About-page).

We’ve purchased 10 trees as a test, which will be planted in Malizia Mangrove Park in the Philippines and for which I received a certificate. The remaining 2.095 trees will be planted as part of the Eden Reforestation Projects in Madagascar. The certificate for Madagascar can be found here.

Here’s the numbers that lead to that amount. The income for the months until now was as follows:

June€ 0,-
July€ 18,-
August€ 23,-
September€ 30,-
October€ 88,-
November € 1.325,-
Total€ 1.483,-
Membership fees from June 2022 to November 2022

As per our pledge 20% (€ 297) of this has been set aside and used directly for planting trees.
