About GreenFedi

GreenFedi.org is the community website for:

Membership based

This means fair funding for everyone. Membership fees covers the cost of the servers and climate action, in our case tree planting. You get peace of mind and a good feeling knowing that you’re a club member, not a target for advertising.


The original Mastodon.green server was intended as a European instance. However, with the massive influx of users in November 2022 it became clear that the interest to join our tree planting mission wasn’t limited to Europe – and we’ve opened it up globally. Shortly thereafter we opened up a regional Mastodon server for people in the EU: eu.mastodon.green.

The benefit of being on a regional server is that the local timeline and trending posts are more likely to reflect what’s happening within that region. It’s basically a smaller community of like-minded people.

Hosted by Albin Social

GreenFedi is run by Johan Empa together with a team of volunteers. The name of Johan’s one-person company is Albin Social.